Overview Gas Springs > Gas Springs | Lockable Gas Springs | Gas Tension Springs | Lockable Gas Tension Springs
Overview of lockable Gas Spring:
This spring basically works in the same way as a gas spring, but can be blocked continuously in any position.Forces: from 150 Newton (= 15 Kg) to 1200 Newton (= 120 Kg) Stroke length: from 20 mm to 500 mm.
Lockable Gas Spring / Blocking can be delivered in the following variants:
- Rigid blocking in the pulling direction
- Rigid blocking in pushing direction
- Flexible lockable gas spring
- Absolutely rigid Blockable
These springs can be mounted in any position, but it is recommended to mount this spring with the release pin down to prevent dirt from entering.
We also offer the Bowden cable and direct control systems
Rigid locking in pull direction
A rigid lock in the direction of pull is used when a rebound on the train is not desired. This rigidly lockable spring fixes moving parts in an exact position and gives the possibility to adjust them again.
Rigid blocking in pushing direction
A rigid blocking in the direction of pressure is used when a rebound on pressure is not desired. This rigidly lockable spring fixes moving parts in a precise position and enables them to be adjusted again.
Flexible lockable gas spring
This lockable gas pressure spring can be locked in any position along the stroke length. The blocking remains elastic in both directions. When loaded, the spring springs a little but returns to the locked position. This type of blocking can be compared to the effect of the spring in the pillar of an office chair.
Absolutely rigid Blockable
This type of spring combines the properties of rigid locking both on compression and on tension. This absolutely rigidly lockable spring fixes moving parts in an exact position and allows them to be adjusted again.
Bowden cable & Direct operating systems
The Bowden cable is a movable element. Depending on the intended use, the Bowden cable is also referred to as a brake cable, shift cable, throttle cable, clutch cable, etc. Bowden cables for the transmission of pressure forces are, for example, switching operations for connecting mechanical selector levers and gears, wire releases for cameras or the shift cables of bicycle circuits.